- New

Reference: 1010000000001
Brand: Baofeng
Baofeng UV-5R is a 5 watt dual band radio (duobander) with dual display, DTMF keypad and Dual Watch function.
Reference: 1070000000841
Brand: Satec
RF-7 Flex niskostratny przewód do anteny bazowej (odpowiednik Aircell-7)
Reference: 1020000000212
Brand: Nagoya
Nagoya NA-771 to średniej długości antena (39 cm) dwupasnmowa do radiotelefonów ręcznych zakończona złączem SMA-F
Reference: 1070000000807
Brand: Satec
Przewód koncentryczny Satec RF-5X (odpowiednik Belden H155 PE)
Reference: 1070000000819
Brand: Satec
Przewód koncentryczny 50Ohm Satec RG-174 Premium
The FT-991A is the next generation in all mode, all band MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceiver with C4FM (System Fusion) Digital capability. The FT-991A includes multi-mode operation on CW, AM, FM, SSB, and Digital Modes (Packet, PSK31, RTTY and C4FM), with 100 Watts of HF/50mhz Capability (50 Watts VHF/UHF).
The FT-991A is the next generation in all mode, all band MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceiver with C4FM (System Fusion) Digital capability. The FT-991A includes multi-mode operation on CW, AM, FM, SSB, and Digital Modes (Packet, PSK31, RTTY and C4FM), with 100 Watts of HF/50mhz Capability (50 Watts VHF/UHF).
The New FT-991A now includes a high-resolution full color 3.5" TFT Touch panel for superior operability and visibility, incorporating a High Speed Spectrum and High Resolution real-time scope with ASC (Automatic Spectrum-scope control) built right in.
The FT-991A is designed for the most competitive operating situations, with a suite of new features to enhance the experience. Whether you primarily operate at home, mobile or in the field, the FT-991 will provide outstanding fundamental performance plus give you easy access to the full range of exciting modes available on the ham bands today.
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Real-time Spectrum Scope with Automatic Scope Control (ASC)
The new dynamic real-time spectrum scope gives radio operators the ability to graphically view the location of signals on the band while they listen to the received audio allowing them to quickly move to the desired signal. The strength of signals on the band can readily be seen on the Multi-color waterfall display. Chronological order color differentiation allows operators to easily recognize weak signals at a glance; signals that might otherwise be missed on the spectrum scope.Multi-color waterfall display The FT-991A now includes a Real-time Multi-colored waterfall display that enables you to quickly and easily identify and pick out signals without the need to mute the receive audio.State of the art 32-bit Digital Signal Processing System Recognizing an all-important Golden Rule Amateur Radio - “You cannot work them if you cannot hear them”– the FT 991 features a rugged state-of-the-art highly balanced receiver circuit configuration. The high-speed floating point TMS320C6746 DSP chip (3000 MIPS / 2250 MFLOPS) from Texas Instruments used in the receiver design guarantees excellent interference rejection with actual signals under real-world conditions, not only on HF but also in the VHF and UHF bands.3kHz Roofing Filter for enhanced performance The FT-991A now includes a 3Khz roofing filter for the triple conversion receiver that effective attenuates interfering signals and enables outstanding performance while still producing high quality audio.3.5 Inch Full Color TFT The FT-991 could not provide functions easier than at your fingertips with a 3.5" Full Color TFT Display for Superior Operability and Visibility.USB Capable The FT-991 can be connected to a computer using a USB cable for CAT control and firmware updates, or the use of an integrated SCU-17 Interface Unit to support USB Audio In/Out, TX Control (PTT, Key, Shift).100 Watts of Solid Performance The RF Amplifier in the FT-991 provides a clean and solid 100 Watts of Operating Power (50 Watts VHF/UHF) and is combined with a large heat-sink and forced air automatic cooling fan to increase operating time and prevent overheating.Compact, Lightweight & Portable The FT-991 Comes in a compact, lightweight package suitable for portable, mobile and base installations. Measuring 8.8"(W) x 3" (H) x 9.9" (L) at just 9.7 pounds this robust full featured mobile/portable radio is ready to go when and where you are!Internal Automatic Antenna Tuner Internal High Speed Automatic Antenna Tuner included in the package. The antenna tuner uses a LC switching network that has a large capacity 100 channel memory. The tuning data is automatically memorized to reduce tuning time when changing frequency.High Accuracy TCXO +/-0.5PPM High Resolution DDS/PLL local Oscillator included as part of the standard package.Specifications Frequency Ranges: RX 30 kHz - 56 MHz, 118 MHz - 164 MHz, 420 MHz - 470 MHz (specified performance, amateur bands only)Supplied Accessories Hand Microphone (MH-31A8J) |
Manufacturer: Yaesu
Tennozu Parkside Building
2-5-8 Higashi-Shinagawa
e-mail: sales@yaesu.pl
Osoba odpowiedzialna:
Cezary Libert
ul. Piękna 65/67/25
93-558 Łódź
e-mail: info@hamradioshop.pl
tel. +48 602 675 847
Reference: 1010000000124
Brand: ICOM
ICOM IC-7100 D-STAR - HF/VHF/UHF all mode transceiver o mocy 100W
Reference: 1010000000130
Brand: TYT
TYT TH-9000 - jednopasmowy tranceiver samochodowy na pasmo 70cm o maksymalnej mocy 50W z kodowaniem2/5 Tone
Reference: 1010000000107
Brand: Yaesu
Reference: 1010000000123
Brand: QYT
QYT KT-8900D - najmniejszy duobander mobilowy o mocy 25W z kolorowym wyświetlaczem i QuadWatch
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Reference: 1010000000145
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ICOM IC-705 radiotelefon QRP HF/VHF/UHF D-STAR SDR z odbiornikiem pasma lotniczego
Reference: 1010000000113
Brand: TYT
TYT TH-9000 - jednopasmowy tranceiver samochodowy na pasmo 2m o maksymalnej mocy 60W z kodowaniem 2/5 Tone
Reference: 1010000000141
Brand: AnyTone
AnyTone AT-D578UV G - radio DMR + FM oraz GPS z dwoma niezależnymi torami nadawczo-odbiorczymi kompatybilne z MOTOTRBO Tier 1 and 2.
Reference: 1010000000167
Brand: Yaesu
Yaesu FTDX101MP to transceiver o mocy 200W pracujący emisjami CW/SSB/FM z wbudowanym w głośnik Yaesu FPS-1 zasilaczem.
Reference: 1010000000129
Brand: TYT
Quadband (28/70/144/430 MHz) samochodowy 50W z odbiornikiem pasma lotniczego i CB TYT TH-9800
Reference: 1010000000133
Brand: QYT
QYT KT-5800 to kolejny po modelach KT-8900, KT-8900R czy KT-8900D miniaturowy transceiver przeznaczony do samochodu
The FT-991A is the next generation in all mode, all band MF/HF/VHF/UHF transceiver with C4FM (System Fusion) Digital capability. The FT-991A includes multi-mode operation on CW, AM, FM, SSB, and Digital Modes (Packet, PSK31, RTTY and C4FM), with 100 Watts of HF/50mhz Capability (50 Watts VHF/UHF).